gratuitous image
14 January 1996

Striped Hexham Trees upon the River Tyne

A year or two ago I photographed these trees and their unexplained white stripes with my Leica. I still haven't developed the film. Today I went on the same walk and photographed all sixty trees with a digital camera. I still haven't developed the film.

All sixty images look more or less the same. It's like Horace said, "Haec decies repetita placebit." (Things which are repeated are pleasing.)

All sixty images look more or less the same. It's like Horace said, "Haec decies repetita placebit." (Things which are repeated are pleasing.)

Sixty Striped Hexham Trees upon the River Tyne is my first completed work of 1996.

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©1996 David Glenn Rinehart