- 7 May 2002
- No. 3419 (cartoon)
- I can see nothing.
Perhaps thats your desire. 
- 8 May 2002
- Lost Luggage Art
- Christine told me about her amazing new art project, and Im quite impressed. Shes getting thousands of pieces of unclaimed luggage from various airlines operating out of the San Francisco airport. Shes going to weld and glue all the bits of baggage together to form a couple of giant, twenty-five hundred kilogram spheres. Then Christines going to bury the giant luggage balls on either side of the south end of Runway Seventy-One.
Brilliant! (As an aside, I cant ignore the obvious phallic connotationif not denotationeven though Christine insists no such consideration went into the piece.) It turns out this is one of those exceedingly rare stories that just keeps getting better: Christines idea wasnt Christines idea at all; I just dreamt she told me about her project. Its mine! I wonder how Ill get the airlines to give me five thousand kilograms of lost luggage? 
- 9 May 2002
- Kissing and Biting
- I delight in my freedom from nonsensical journalistic inhibitions, such as the fear of publishing anything that cannot be cited and ostensibly proven. As a result, Im free to tell unattributedand possibly apocryphaltales such as this.
A few days ago, I heard some man promoting his book, Shootout: Surviving Fame and Misfortune. (A subsequent Internet search failed to find a single reference to such a volume, but I nevertheless believe that such a publication exists. Somewhere.) Whatever. Anyway, heres the books essential idea: You have to know what to kiss and what to bite. Thats at least half the information one needs to succeed in almost any endeavor. 
- 10 May 2002
- The Fall of the Underwear Inspector
- According to recent news reports, inspecting teenage girls bras and knickers is a thankless task. Thats what Rita Wilson discovered when she was more or less hounded from her job at the high school in Rancho Bernardo, a San Diego suburb.
Although the school administraitor has been labeled a voyeur, a prude, a pervert, and worse, she maintains she inspected the students bras (or lack of same) and lifted the young womens skirts because of a safety issue. The inept woman claimed that she was just trying to ensure that her charges were wearing appropriate underwear for their own protection. Oops! It turns out that teenagers these days purportedly engage in an activity colloquially known as freak dancing. As the thankless Ms. Wilson explained, If they [the teenage students] were going to freak, at least their bottoms were going to be covered. Freak dancing is not a fun thing to watch all night. Ive had employees who have been freaked upon. Poor Ms. Wilson. Although Ive never been freaked upon, even I know better than to lift teenage girls skirts without an invitation. After all, if that rude tactic didnt work in the 1970s, why should it work now? 

- 11 May 2002
- Deaf Dogs Cant Hear
- Rosie the dog is deaf, deaf as a deaf doorknob. The poor critter cant hear a damn thing. Why it is that Al and Suzie installed a hearing cone on the poor dogs neck, this I do not know.

- 12 May 2002
- Rachels Predicament
- Rachel called to complain about a recent notebook entry.
I cant believe you wrote such crap! she said. Our conversation wasnt like that at all. Are you trying to get me fired or something? She continued in that vein for quite some time. I tried to explain that Im not a slave to reality, but I dont think she heard me. I feel sorry for Rachel; it must be horrible to be trapped within the narrow confines of what passes for the real world. 
- 13 May 2002
- Lets Make Love! Three Orgasms!!!
- Since Ill be heading to Japan in a few days, I asked Jen to teach me the three critical phrases. She did, and now I can say Another drink, please, Wheres the toilet?, and I love you in Japanese.
Hai! After the brief lesson, she warned me to be very, very careful when using my modest vocabulary. She told me that when she was in Japan, she walked into a barber shop (her first mistake), sat down in the barbers chair (her second mistake), and asked for a haircut (her third and fourth mistakes). It turns out that although she thought she asked for a haircut, she in fact requested three orgasms from the barber. The barber managed to keep a straight face, and asked her if shed also like a shave. A couple of months later, she discovered that shed been continually mispronouncing a syllable in the Japanese equivalent of the parting, See you later. Instead, shed been waving, smiling, and saying Lets make love. Those gaijin, so very inscrutable! 

- 14 May 2002
- Ear Quadrants
- I browsed through a book on photographic forgeries at the library. I failed to note the title of the book, perhaps because I dont anticipate Ill ever try to find it again. The book was fairly thick, but didnt provide much new information. As an artist, Im fairly au fait with fraud and fakery.
Although I didnt find any new ways to bamboozle viewers with more photographic chicanery, I did discover a technique researchers use to identify fraudulent photographs: ears! It turns out that each ear, like each snowflake or fingerprint, is unique. Experts analyze ear quadrants to spot impostors, such as those employed by heads of state. Even people who appear to look exactly alike have different ears. Recently, Chinese historians have discovered that Chairman Mao always sent a double to sit through interminable Chinese opera performances. After examining all the photographic evidence, it seems that the son of the Shaoshan soil never attended the opera in his life! 
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