"Stare. It is the only way to educate your eye, and more. Stare, pry, listen, eavesdrop. Die knowing something. You are not here long." - Walker Evans

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No. 811
Out of the Photographers' Ghetto
Robert Heinecken and Kenneth Josephson
The Volunteer
Reassurance on the half shell
An Apology
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No. 810
Going On and On About Art
It's a demonstrable fact
The Creative Act
From the labyrinth beyond time and space
White Collar
California contacts New York to check up on Connecticut
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No. 809
This Is Not a Publication?!
The curious case of two periodicals named Stare
Art Shit
The aesthetics of excreta
A near fatal mistake
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No. 808
The Hairy Naked Russian Poets
The breast poetry will always be popular
Art & Fear
Get back to work
Americain Debacle Du Art
A perennial complication encounters art, academia, and commerce
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No. 807
Analog Island
In Texas, photography means photography
Three Pieces
The return of a perennial complication
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No. 806
World Brain: The Idea of a Permanent World Encyclopedia
The Internet circa 1937
Sixty Minutes in the Search for the 'Net Meaning of Art
Tripping in a digital Skoda
Oblique Strategies
Familiarize yourself with a good meme
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No. 805
Artist Envy
Scientists envy artists, but monkeys are different(?)
You Call That Art?
Will the Internet rival holography as an art medium?
Cocksucker Blues at Robert Franks [sic] House
Mick Jagger finally talks (but not much)
Ladies and Gentlemen: England's Most Famous Censor
Rock and role
Fair Use
Chris Grigg, Mark Hosler, Don Joyce, Richard Lyons and David Will claim the right to create with mirrors
The Birth of Photography
Dr. Science sets the record straight
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No. 804
All the News that Fits
Stare hits the 32.768K ceiling
All the Nudes that Fit
"Frank Wallis wants to democratize the nude" (from $5.00 to $10.95)
On Cops and Computers (part two of two)
Bruce Sterling finishes reading the cybercops his rights
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No. 803
Fools, their art and their money
In passing
I can't imagine ever wanting to be an American tourist
Déjà Vu All Over Again
The brave new world of digital imaging bears a striking resemblance to the olde world.
Against Photography (part one of two)
Everything is Stalin, in its own way ...
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No. 802
Fools, their art and their money
In passing
I can't imagine ever wanting to be an American tourist
Déjà Vu All Over Again
The brave new world of digital imaging bears a striking resemblance to the olde world.
Against Photography (part one of two)
Everything is Stalin, in its own way ...
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No. 801
This issue explains how Stare was--and is--conceived.
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No. 800
This edition is devoted to a five-sentence dissertation by Walker Evans on the nature and importance of visual art.
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No. 1 - No. 799
The first seven hundred and ninety-nine editions of Stare are unavailable due to strange circumstances of a problematical nature. Rainier Ale has been ruled out as a source of confusion.
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contents copyright ©2000 the original authors; all rights reserved.

Stare. (Visual Information Inquiry)
is edited and published by
David Glenn Rinehart, et al.