- 23 July 2002
- No. 6,331 (cartoon)
- How much pain can you take?
How much do you have?
This is no contest.

- 24 July 2002
- Saturnight
- Evy called and asked me if I wanted to go to a party on Saturday.
Maybe, I answered, Im already going to a couple parties that night. What time is it?
Its like I said, Evy replied, Saturday, not Saturnight.
I never heard of Saturnight before, I said.
Im not surprised, Evy responded, I just coined Saturnight, Sunnight, Monnight, Tuesnight, Wednesnight, Thursnight and Frinight a couple of weeks ago.
I told Evy that I was excited to be one of the first people to learn about seven new words.

- 25 July 2002
- Fifteen Days a Year?!
- Julies here in San Francisco for the summer, so we had time for a relaxed, pleasant reunion during a long walk at Point Reyes. During the course of an extended chat about this, that, and the other thing, I told her about my new friend, Sally.
Sally has an impressive-sounding position at an impressive-sounding laboratory. I told Julie that Sally and I had briefly discussed taking a trip up the coast until we quickly realized that it was almost impossible: Sally only gets fifteen days of vacation a year.
How old is she? Julie asked.
Two grey hairs under forty, I answered.
Thats ridiculous! Julie shot back. At her age, she should have at least six weeks off a year.
Sounds unlikely, I replied. She seems to have a lot of responsibilities.
I didnt say she should take six weeks off every year, Julie said. She should be offered six weeks, but be too busy to take more than two weeks off.
I changed the subject. Corporate life is just too depressing to contemplate.

- 26 July 2002
- Beer Uniforms
- Cherie and I went to the opening of a crap art show, The Big Nothings: Art from the New Millennium.
Oops. Big mistake.
When we arrived, we were greeted by a small platoon of young women in small, tight t-shirts and low-cut pants who walked around trying to foist the sponsors cheap beer on us. (I declined; Ive been to Amsterdam enough to know that Heineken is Dutch for beer-flavored fizzy water.)
I asked the tenth woman to offer me a watery beer why she had to wear a uniform.
Its all about beer, I guess, she replied.
I apologized for my ignorance. I should have known that.
I took a couple of beers from her tray, then gave them to the doormen. I was embarrassed to discover that I was the first person out of hundreds of guests to think of offering the hired help a drink.

- 27 July 2002
- The Opposite of Clarity
- I wandered away from the picnic as soon as I arrived. The woods seemed appealing, and no one needed my help setting up base camp.
Id been staring into a thicket for some time when Aerlia approached.
Are you feeling ill? she asked.
I feel wonderful, I replied.
Youve been standing there for nearly an hour, she said.
Ive been savoring a sudden flash of clarity, I explained.
So whats clear? Aerlia inquired.
I didnt have an answer. I couldnt find the words to describe that what I discovered during my moment of clarity was the opposite of clarity.

- 28 July 2002
- A Promising Duet
- When Eli told me she was going to take her first piano lesson in two or three decades, I asked her the obvious question.
Eli told me shed always wanted to play the piano, but that shed been frustrated by her musical environment when she was a child.
Same here, I replied. I spent a decade blowing on my horn, and all I ever did was follow the unambiguous instructions of some dead Caucasians. I couldnt improvise until I bought my evil bass.
Eli and I agreed that wed perform a duet as soon as shed unlearned all the poison shed been fed as a child.

- 29 July 2002
- How Am I Doing?
- A friend asked me how Im doing. The name of the friend will remain anonymous, since I always have the same generic answer for that query.
Its like Chairman Mao said, if one can believe Garry Trudeau, I explained. Theres confusion in heaven, and the situation underneath is excellent.