![]() David Wiles vs. Dazza Rinehart, 5 July 1993 The game began aggressively, with Rinehart earning a 50-point bonus on thesecond turn. Wiles was awarded the same seven-letter bonus on ninth move,setting the game high of 81 points for a single turn. With the score tiedat 301 after 15 plays, Rinehart suggested that Wiles resign and lose bythe minimum number of points possible, e.g., zero. Wiles declined, and setout on an urgent campaign to dispose of his considerable consonants. Increasinglydesperate, Wiles unsuccessfully lobbied for the acceptance of vone,as in the case of "he wants to vone her" and kibar, asin "he's feeling very kibar." Ultimately, Wiles' all-too-helpfulsuggestion that Rinehart use his last remaining tile--an I--to spellti left Wiles with an orphaned V. When the four points werededucted from Wiles' final tally and added to Rinehart's, Rinehart ekedout a hard-won 320 to 308 victory. Thirteen Day Period in July 1993 No. IV |