![]() Dazza Rinehart vs. David Wiles, 14 July 1993 The game began with one of the wooden tiles under repair from a dog bitethat splintered it into three pieces. (It was observed that this would nothave been a problem if the players had employed the less aesthetically pleasingplastic tiles.) Rinehart, enjoying a 23 point lead going into the seventhturn, gave Wiles 250 bonus points in appreciation in exchange for smokinga small quantity of Wiles' marijuana. The 250 point bonus was withdrawnon the following play when Wiles regretfully informed Rinehart that therewas no marijuana available. Rinehart, playing without a handicap, continuedto hold a solid lead over Wiles. On the 18th move, Rinehart played sequ_ns,employing a blank tile to secure a 50 point bonus as well as the triple-wordscore for a total of 105 points. Given a formidable difference so late inthe game, Wiles offered his resignation. Rinehart accepted to win by a finalscore of 325 to 184. Thirteen Day Period in July 1993 No. VIII |