- 6 February 2004
- No. 1,213 (cartoon)
- Why are you always so taciturn?
I have a lot not to say. 
- 7 February 2004
- Technological Shortcomings
- Everyones going on and on about the wonders of modern technology, but I dont believe a single word of the hyperbole. My mortal remains will have passed through many generations of scavengers and worms before any human being will ever touch a reliable computer.
A very long time from now, a human being may be able to transfer a set of thoughts to a storage medium with all the subtleties and personal connections intact. Today, Ill be pleased if my computer doesnt crash before I finish writing this. To that end, I shall stop now. 

- 8 February 2004
- Deformed Lemon
- Brady gave me a deformed lemon at the party yesterday; she thought I might like to photograph it. I like Brady, and so I didnt have the heart to tell her that its been well over half a century since anyone but a scientist or a photo weenie photographed deformed fruit.
Nevertheless, I photographed the lemon for her. I hope that wasnt a mistake. 
- 9 February 2004
- AK-MP3
- I have a battery-powered electronic gizmo thats about half the size of a slice of bread; it stores audio recordings and various bits of digital detritus. I quite enjoy having six-thousand songs from which to choose when Im away from my collection of ten-thousand other pieces of alleged music.
I thought this digital music thingie did about everything I could ask of it; thats usually a mistake when it comes to technology. And thus I wasnt particularly surprised to hear that some Russians who peddle audio books have come up with a clever innovation: theyve fitted a doodad like mine into a Kalashnikov ammunition clip. Hopefully, from now on many militants and terrorists will use their AK-47s to listen to music and audio books, suggested former pop musician Andrey Koltakov, a partner in the venture. The inventors added that the music clip can be easily replaced with an ammunition clip full of bullets, but I wonder if thats really necessary. After all, I know a lot of music thats both painful and disorienting. If this isnt an oxymoron, the Russians may be close to devising a relatively humane offensive weapon. 
- 10 February 2004
- The Perfect Husband
- There are many kinds of marriages, including a peculiar French union recently in the news.
Christel Demichel finally married her boyfriend, Eric, after an unfortunate postponement. The wedding was delayed when Eric was killed a year and a half ago by a hit-and-run driver motoring in the English style, i.e., on the wrong side of the road. Marrying the dead is unusual, even for the French. Ms. Demichels lawyer, Gilbert Collard, had to go through extraordinary measures to take advantage of an obscure legal provision introduced by General de Gaulle. I need to go beyond death, Ms. Demichel said, especially as his death was not his fault. I found her remark about the semi-posthumous (?) union interesting. That may be the first time any spouse successfully used the its-not-my-fault argument. 
- 11 February 2004
- A Tedious Prince
- I want to a disappointing talk by Richard Prince tonight. I suppose it was predictable, since Prince has come up with very few aesthetic ideas of note, most of which involve some permutation of appropriating other peoples work. (We artists never steal, pirate, or copy other peoples works; we appropriate them.)
Prince has never demonstrated the elegance or intelligence of his clever appropriating predecessors; his most remarkable accomplishment was to develop his name into a brand that could be marketed by art dealers. He succeeded on a commercial level; hes monetarily wealthy. Thus Prince appeared both greedy and arrogant when he complained how painful it was to discuss money with a photographer whose work he intended selling as his own. The poor, sensitive soul. Prince didnt seem to be intelligent enough to differentiate between appropriating someones work for a purely aesthetic purpose and taking their work to sell as entirely his own for a large sum of money without offering to share a penny of the substantial profits. And more to the point, he seemed disturbingly unimaginative, or at least not clever enough to access the huge amount of intellectual property legally in the public domain. Since Prince didnt have much to say, he spoke only briefly before being rescued by an admiring interviewer who failed to ask a single difficult or challenging question. I dont know that with any certainty, though; I walked out. 
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