- 24 December 2009
- No. 7,830 (cartoon)
- Youre looking rather smug.
Maybe I am. Happiness is preventable. 
- 25 December 2009
- Not an Evitable End
- Jana and Jasmin decided to end their romantic relationship today. Although theres never really a good time to do that, theres no better time than Christmas. With so much despair and misery in the air, a little more might be barely noticed.
The decision was amicable, but not entirely mutual. Jana said the separation was inevitable, reported Jasmin, but I maintained it was certainly evitable until she walked out. And thats the brutal math of romance: it takes two to make it go and one to make it stop. Thats amore! 
- 26 December 2009
- Faux Boxing Day with Dr. Batlan
- Dr. Batlan invited me over for Boxing Day, so I of course accepted, even though the British holiday technically never occurs on a weekend.
It turns out that he wasnt talking about the British celebration; hes moving from the west coast to the wrong coast and needed help boxing up his worldly goods. He provided lots of pizza and beer, the traditional payment in a nonmonetarized friendship. Dr. Batlan has lots and lots of belongings, but I didnt complain about all the work. At least we didnt have to eat those detestable mince pies and the odious figgy pudding. There may always be an England, but at least its ten thousand kilometers away. 
- 27 December 2009
- Florians Medication of Choice
- Florian showed up at my studio with a large expanse of blood where the skin on his right arm used to be.
Crash? I asked rhetorically looking at his cycle. Hows your bike? (My serious cycling friends tell me that, when inquiring about a bike accident, one should ask for a report on the bikes condition first before discussing the riders injuries.) I need a new wheel, Florian replied, and an ice cube. Just one? I asked. In a large glass of whisky, please, Florian continued. I generally disapprove of self-medicating with alcohol, but make an exception for physical trauma involving the loss of skin and blood. And so, I brought Florian a large glass of whisky with a pint of hydrogen peroxide. Florian will be back on the road, figuratively if not literally, soon. Weve both been through this before. 
- 28 December 2009
- The End of the Naughties?
- Rosalind told me that she was disappointed that the naughties were about to end.
What are you talking about? I asked. The naughties have always been here and always will be. No, Im talking about the decade from 2000 to 2009, she explained. The naughties decade is almost over. Youre making a semantic mistake, I replied. Some lame commentators have called this the noughties decade, as in nought being a synonym for zero. Rosalind seemed relieved. In fact, this is the naughties century until 2100, I lied, and well be long dead by then. She smiled; that will keep her busy. 

- 29 December 2009
- Retirement Plan (sketch)
- My favorite mother, being a good mother, occasionally asks me about my nonexistent retirement plans. Thats when I explain to her that I make money by knowing whatand whoI know, talking, tapping on a computer, and occasionally making a photograph. I enjoy my work, and when Im no longer able to perform those simple tasks Im as good as dead, so theres no point in retiring to stagnation.
Anyone who has a mother will not be surprised to hear she wasnt convinced by my argument. And having known my mother for all of my life, Im sure she never will accept my logic. Since my mothers smart enough to never look at this nonsense I concoct, my art piece for this month is simply a .38 bullet titled Retirement Plan (sketch). (And mother, in the unlikely event that youre reading this, its just art, just a joke. Same thing.) 
- 30 December 2009
- Bad Friends
- This is a good time of the yearthe endto remember a wise observation by Samuel Butler.
A friend who cannot at a pinch remember a thing or two that never happened is as bad as one who does not know how to forget. 
- 31 December 2009
- Rolls of Honour
- As the unremarkable year of 2009 fizzles to its termination, its time to acknowledge all of the businesses who were behind me this year as part of the Rolls of Honour programme.
- 1890 Bryant Street Studios
- Apple Store
- B Restaurant and Bar
- Benjarong
- Caltrain 438, 447 (San Francisco-Menlo Park)
- City of Fremont Development Services
- Delta Airlines Flight 1071 (ATL-SFO)
- Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge (Newark)
- Drift Inn Cafe (Yachats, Oregon)
- California Pacific Medical Center
- Flint (Michigan) International Airport
- Golden Gate National Recreation Area
- Green Garden Restaurant
- Jet Blue Flight 250 (LGB-OAK)
- Joes Taco Lounge (Mill Valley)
- Kjeldsen Sinnock Neudeck (Stockton)
- Little Shin Shin (Oakland)
- McRoberts & Roberts (Boston, Massachusetts)
- Michaelangelo Caffé
- Golden Gate Endoscopy Center
- Panchos Mexican Grill
- Pizzetta 211
- Quinta da Penha de França Hotel (Funchal, Portugal)
- Quinta do Sol (Funchal, Portugal)
- Raw Fish
- San Francisco Art Institute
- Siuslaw River Coffee Roasters (Florence, Oregon)
- Stone Soup (Landrum, South Carolina)
- Sweeties
- Tom Yum
- Turtle Island Restaurant
- United Airlines Flight 901 (FRA-SFO)
- United Negro College Fund (Boston, Massachusetts)
- Vientian Cafe (Oakland)
- Workspace Limited
Happy new year! I said naïvely. 
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