free (and worth it) subscription

An Artist’s Notebook of Sorts

Weak I

01 January : 08 January

No. 6384 (cartoon)

Looking Good!

Gerbil Food Dinner

Kinder, Gentler Beheadings

Dark Scandanavian Films

Chocolates, Bourbon, and Espressos

My Twelfth Sexennium

Feel the Downlike Comfort

Weak II

09 January : 14 January

No. 929 (cartoon)

Ms. Longest-Name Williams

Dolphins Got Clitorises!

The Problem with Thai Recipes

Art Grade Photography

Ghost Bike

Weak III

15 January : 21 January

No. 1,658 (cartoon)

Marketing’s Fetid Spawn

Omi[nous]cron Passover

The Center for Nothing

Two-to-One Odds

The Mucus Magic Diet!

Eight Saul’s Delicatessen Matzo Balls

Weak IV

22 January : 29 January

No. 9,014 (cartoon)

Being a Better Photographer

Suicide Pills

Burns Night

Sounding Profoundy

Frog Finger

Mick Jagger’s Trousers

Five Women of Machu Picchu

Weak V

30 January : 04 February

No. 4,345 (cartoon)

Stu, Not Hasenpfeffer

Popsicle Sticks versus Ice Cream Sticks

Kim Jong-il’s Back!

Creative Recycling

Coconut Oil Lake

Weak VI

05 February : 11 February

No. 8,021 (cartoon)

Efficacious Delusion

Your Mind and Your Health

Talking Like an Oldetimer

Hot Knickers

One for Your Neck and One for Your Wrist

A Hill of Freeze-Dried Beans

Weak VII

12 February : 19 February

No. 9,514 (cartoon)

Describably Cruel and Speakably Abominable

Revisiting Saint Valentine’s Day

My Public Shaming

The Problem with Atomic Clocks

Bentleys! And Lamborghinis Too!

BLOW, Alameda

Catsup or Ketchup or Catchup Revisited Yet Again


20 February : 25 February

No. 6,107 (cartoon)

Yesterday’s Anniversaries

22:22 on 2.22.22

Affection to Youse All

News I Can Use

Original Celebration Held Near This Spot

Weak IX

26 February : 04 March

No. 3,889 (cartoon)

Rinehart’s and Stein’s Laws

A New Era of Electronic Air Blowing?

A Tour de Farce of Rationalization

The Size Thing in Gigapixels

She Never Bothered Me for Much of Anything


Weak X

05 March : 12 March

No. 8,043 (cartoon)

Baboon vs. Badger, Doors vs. Wheels

Droll, Very Droll

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

Willies and Hoovers c. 1950

Women Judges, Not a Kidney Day

Three Planar Views of the USS Hornet

Taking a Stab at Modern Art

Weak XI

13 March : 18 March

No. 5,051 (cartoon)

Pi Day

We Need a New Mississippi

Dying from Nothing

Better Buy Liquor

Gris, Art, and Dogs

Weak XII

19 March : 25 March

No. 8,073 (cartoon)

Tam Tams Instructions

It Was a Very Good Year

Nogoodnik Rascal

Wilhite’s Gif(t)

The Women of Huayna Picchu

The Drummer Always Goes First


26 March : 02 April

No. 3,724 (cartoon)

Aluminum Cauliflower Hats

Has Been Here Since 1913

The History of Photography

Cannibal Coronal Mass Ejection Tease


April Fool, That’s Me!

Ultrasonic Hooey

Weak XIV

03 April : 08 April

No. 9,052 (cartoon)

Twenty-Dollar Toner, Ten-Dollar Anecdote

Respiratory Airway Secretory Cells

Dead Cyclists Don’t Wash Dishes

Ignorance Tastes Good

Distressed Window

Weak XV

09 April : 15 April

No. 5,563 (cartoon)

Goodbye Bangkok

Jerry Uelsmann

Abrasive Swiss Security

Boneless Burrito as Lunch and Metaphor

Keep a Clean Hole

Encantado Loop Gutter Ball

Weak XVI

16 April : 23 April

No. 6,589 (cartoon)

Easter Sing-along

Whom the Gods Wish to Destroy

The Song Remains the Same Eighty Years Later

Everybody Needs an Editor

Snarge Revisited

Probing Uranus

My Singular Ambition


24 April : 29 April

No. 9,384 (cartoon)

Meteors Only Fall

Black Yucca Sock

Gimme a Second

Relatively Smarter



30 April : 06 May

No. 7,369 (cartoon)

My Life’s Work

You Know You Want One

Bill Gates is Sorry

Looking for Tractors on the Appalachian Trail

Land of Enchantment

Healthy Lifestyle Bombshell

Weak XIX

07 May : 14 May

No. 4,498 (cartoon)

Dangerous Lenses

Manufacturing History

Drug-fueled Nostalgia

Very Large Tumbleweed (stationary)

Bomb Squad T-shirt

One Of The Sharpest Images You’ve Ever Seen

In the Beginning

Weak XX

15 May : 20 May

No. 7,243 (cartoon)

The Creatives

No Real Togolese Meals

The Wet-Bulb Temperatures Are Rising

Gun Art in the News

Longway Planetarium and Contrail

Weak XXI

21 May : 27 May

No. 1,216 (cartoon)

Parallel Universe David

That Thing in That Place

A Modest Proposal

Art Institute Cop Car

Puddle Seat

Red Yellow Black Inversion Color Study


28 May : 04 June

No. 8,235 (cartoon)

Cockroaches and Crisps

Arp 94’s Haunting Galactic Dance

The Whiting Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Building Revisited

The Queen’s Ploopmaker

Türkiye Rebränded

Interdimensional Aesthetics

Acoustic Research AR-3a Speakers 3A 16237 and 3A 16796 (Diptych)


05 June : 10 June

No. 1,734 (cartoon)

Art’s Gun Control Plan

A Rewarding Museum Experience

The Tedium is the Message

After Duchamp (Diptych)

National Gallery of Art Test Strips


11 June : 17 June

No. 9,482 (cartoon)

Dishwater Cocktails

Come & See

Listening to Photographs

Jean Cocteau’s Amazing Day

The Land of Regrets

The Snark Seems to Flow

Weak XXV

18 June : 25 June

No. 8,281 (cartoon)

A Good Friend Who Never Got Caught

Szilveszter Matuska Memorial Mural

Optical Thingie of Desire

Demodex folliculorum

She Loves Me (Pentaptych)

Happy Birthday, Ambrose

Current and Future Events


26 June : 01 July

No. 7,244 (cartoon)

Arrests and Convictions

Bad Visual Metaphor

Oak and Maple Sticks

Pseudopede Playin’ Possum



02 July : 08 July

No. 4,890 (cartoon)

Bathroom Orchid

The Cause and the Cure in the Same Bottle

That’s Amoré!

The Enemy of Entertainment

Drinking and Pills Revisited

Ghost Bird


09 July : 16 July

No. 300 (cartoon)

Getting High Works

Mephistophelean Spermatozoa in the News

A Gorilla is Not a Flower

Love and PFAS

Don’t Leave the Womb

Not Ant Proof

The Jovial Reaper


17 July : 22 July

No. 3,750 (cartoon)

Discarded Cancerous Lung Tissue

Salsa is Back!

Fate and f/8

After Descartes

Smart Feels Good Toilet Paper

Weak XXX

23 July : 29 July

No. 4,108 (cartoon)

Happy Birthday to Me!

New Dimensions in Chess

Risotto Logic

With Apologies to My Mother

Opossum and Traffic Cone

Park Webster Condominiums Fish


30 July : 06 August

No. 8,262 (cartoon)

A Star Is Born

Better Than True

The Currency

Free Dog Poison

Shower Anemone

Anchovies with Jarlsberg

Proxima Pork Centauri


07 August : 12 August

No. 4,490 (cartoon)

Two Milliseconds Late and a Dollar Short

Dull, Boring, Bland, and Nagasaki Day


Toni’s Garden

Twenty-Four Signs of No Alcohol, Alameda, California


13 August : 19 August

No. 5,981 (cartoon)

Problem (Partially) Solved

Notes on the Back of an Envelope

Tom Lehrer’s Brilliant Invention

Scientists Conclude

Sake Viva!

Dodgy Body Parts


20 August : 27 August

No. 9,293 (cartoon)

Artists Gone Bananas

The Sound of a Black Hole

A Real Nice Garden at the Bottom of the Ocean

Stamp Out Bad Art


The Ol’ Switcheroo

A Real Line


28 August : 02 September

No. 2,193 (cartoon)

Safe Cycling Advice

Long Live Gorby

The Worst Hailstorm

Pumpkin and Train Surfing

Midjourney Blue Ribbon Art


03 September : 09 September

No. 6,382 (cartoon)

(Not) Dealing with Turing Test Failures

No Kids, No Zoo

Fat Leonard’s on the Waddle

Two-Thirds of a Century and Counting

Sensible Murder Rampage?

One Less Parasite


10 September : 17 September

No. 6,849 (cartoon)

Pesto Pizza and Beer

Bedward and Beyond

Snot Funny

The Fourteen-Day Kitten Rule for Boyfriends

Ig Nobel Prizes

Farrokh and Lizzy Dead at Wembley?

Photography is Dead


18 September : 23 September

No. 5,826 (cartoon)

Worthless Degrees

Visualizing Ants

Poor Brad Pitt

Outcrazying the Iranians

Gone Without a Bang


24 September : 30 September

No. 8,516 (cartoon)

Two Conjoined Waffles Flatter Than a Pancake (Diptych, Made With Steamroller Platen)

Fun on a Budget

Goody for Me!

Sensible Hurricane Preparations

Buccal Burritos

DALL·E and Me

Weak XL

01 October : 08 October

No. 9,164 (cartoon)

DALL·E and Me (continued)

Bad Reviews

National Poetry Day

Caffeinate. Contemplate. Animate!

Endangered Drunk French Hunters

Uranus Fudge Factory

Terrorizing Cats, Not Russians

Weak XLI

09 October : 14 October

No. 2,937 (cartoon)

Indigenous Peoples, Columbus, and Armstrong Day

Excellent Culture, Cultural Heritage

The Chess Cheaters Championship

Please Don’t Urine

Discovering Atget


15 October : 21 October

No. 4,760 (cartoon)

Too Many Suns

Ansel Adams is a Real Artiste!

A Big, Fat Waste of Irony

Tacos Super Monilla

Apple, Fig Newton, and Fig, Abandoned

Brain-eating Amoeba You Lose


22 October : 29 October

No. 4,770 (cartoon)

Kentucky Fried Brains

Thank You, Ron Williams

Shoot Art, Not War

The B-52 at Sixty

Too Predictable to be News

An Old Man’s Death

Goat’s Horn


30 October : 04 November

No. 4,762 (cartoon)

Mondrian on His Head

A Pox on Zombie Lingua

Better Live

Nietzsche’s Coronarama Update

The Icicles That Got Away

Weak XLV

05 November : 11 November

No. 1,839 (cartoon)

In a Confusing State

Toads Need Love Too

A Cautionary Digital Watch Tale

A Special Ignoramus

Kentucky Fried Pogrom

Intentionally Blank (Garden Tent)


12 November : 19 November

No. 9,599 (cartoon)

Sunday Swimmingly

Bucket Listless

Leg Story

Hurley Hospital Viewed from McLaren Hospital

Pornography from Outer Space

Untitled, Flint, Michigan

Eight Billion and Counting


20 November : 25 November

No. 5,559 (cartoon)

Undocumented Aha!

Stillborn Diptych


Pregnant Turkey

Soporifically Perfect Photographs


26 November : 02 December

No. 1,345 (cartoon)

Unfortunate Cartoon Footnote

Bob Dylan, Old Master of the Scam

Thai Monks on Meth

L’expérience Mr. T.

Notes From the Smallest Room of My House

Cy Twombly’s Untitled (1971) with OOMPH restored (Modified Court Filing)


03 December : 10 December

No. 7,659 (cartoon)

No Beer in Qatar

Shrewed Idea!

The Cat with OUD, MDP, and TBA
Fit for a Dog!

Vagina on a Chip
Death in Qatar

Artist and Canine Public Droppings in Flint, Michigan (Diptych)

Weak L

11 December : 16 December

No. 2,805 (cartoon)

Remembering Ko Isono

Flint Doll and Syringe

Snakes Got Clitorises Too!

Don’t Let That Fool You

Remembering Robert Cumming

Weak LI

17 December : 23 December

No. 7,765 (cartoon)

My Lawless Universe

The Asteroid Is Us


Plane Air, New Mexico

That Can’t Be Art

I Suppose I Just Might

Weak LII

24 December : 31 December

No. 7,106 (cartoon)

Anticipating Xmas Obits

Boxing Day Rerun

The Russians Are Falling!

Monopolizing My Time Revisited

Fathomable Buffalo Snow

We Shall Overcome, in Our Housecoats

Titles I’ll (Probably) Never Use

Previous notebooks

1996: 1996 Exactly Almost

1997: Fifty-Three Weeks a Year

1998: It Happens Every Day, Periodically

1999: Notes, Art, Portraits, and Filler

2000: Last Millennium or Next?

2001: 2001 Weakly, More or Less

2002: The Same, More Better

2003: What Is This, Some Kind of Joke?

2004: Some Days Are Better Than Others

2005: Is This The End?

2006: Enough Is Never Enough

2007: Nothing Is Certain

2008: Repetitiously Redundant

2009: Love is in the Air

2010: This Isn’t Right

2011: I’ve Grown a Lot

2012: I’d Sell It if I Had It

2013: I Know What I Know

2014: Do You Know What I’m Thinking?

2015: I Call it Focus

2016: I’m Not Sure

2017: Smooth Sailing!

2018: What’s Not to Believe?

2019: You Can’t Understand

2020: That’s Sick

2021: Don’t Mention It

2022: I’m Not Done

2023: Thanks For Your Support

2024: Am I Not Awake?


©2022 David Glenn Rinehart
