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An Artist’s Notebook of Sorts

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12 November 2024

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No. 2,564 (cartoon)

I love you.

I wish you didn’t.

Your wish has been granted.

13 November 2024

A Recrudescence of Barbarians

A recrudescence of barbarians is at the gates, and it's like déjà vu all over again.

The resurgence of thugs, grifters, and vandals is grimmer than grim, but at least it’s good for my vocabulary. A few days ago I discovered “immiseration,” and today I learned about “recrudescence,” the reoccurrence of something once thought vanquished or vanished.

That may not be a great definition, but just think of the savages as festering herpes sores and you’ll get the picture.

14 November 2024

Nothing Matters

Jorge and I had one of those conversations this morning that I can’t transcribe after a few drinks, but here’s the gist of what you missed. I told him that I believed in nothing, because nothing really matters. He disagreed, but we enjoyed the espresso.

15 November 2024

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I Dentification

I just got around to developing my film from my visit to Michigan when I remembered the sign outside the local theatre demanding that patrons present their “I.D.”

I Dentification, I like it!

16 November 2004

The Impossible Becomes Inevitable

“What kind of art do you like?” Simone asked when we got around to talking about that sort of thing.

“I’m delighted when the impossible becomes inevitable,” I replied.

“Example, please,” Simone demanded.

“I’m afraid what I seek doesn’t exist,” I replied. “It happens all the time.”

17 November 2005

Regurgitated Rat Baby

Dr. Sensei recently witnessed the miracle of human birth for the first time; here’s how he described his son emerging from the womb.

“Man, and I thought I knew vaginas!” he reported. “At first it looked normal, maybe a little wider than usual. But all of a sudden, she opened up just like one of those snakes that unlocks its jaws when it’s about to swallow a rat.”

And that’s how Maximus entered the world, like a regurgitated rat.

18 November 2005

Stooopid Art

As a conceptual artist, it’s easy for me to appreciate art I’ve never seen. For example, there’s Don Bruce’s and Tracy Feldstein’s piece, “The Disgusting Spectacle.” It’s a human head over seven meters tall that picks its nose.

I like the adolescent premise, and love Bruce’s description of his and Feldstein’s piece: “Ours is stupid. That’s stupid with three Os.”

19 November 2024


“Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.”

I heard that quote attributed to Marilyn Monroe, but some of my learned friends disagree. I don’t want to get paralyzed by pesky facts, so I’m going to give it to her. That’s the kind of thing you can do when you have your own ersatz printing press, like rerunning malarkey from decades ago.

Coming next weak: more of the same.


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©2024 David Glenn Rinehart

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