free (and worth it) subscription

An Artist’s Notebook of Sorts

Weak I

01 January : 08 January

No. 8,701 (cartoon)

A Prime Year

More Meaningless Statistics

Rainy Day Typos

Molly Didn’t Catch a Cold

England’s Sinking

Double Nickels

Pepper Perfumes!

Weak II

09 January : 14 January

No. 6,727 (cartoon)

Scrummy Nums! (Dr. Lahman’s Best Dinner Ever!)

Negatively to Positivity

Melanie’s Nameless Boyfriend

Glistening with Erudition

Pepper Spray Uber Alles

Weak III

15 January : 21 January

No. 2,594 (cartoon)

Not Wrestling With Gareth

Martin Luther King Day


On Napkins

No Rainbows of Any Description

Taxing Idiots et al in North Dakota

Weak IV

22 January : 29 January

No. 8,450 (cartoon)

Upside-Down Guitars


A Very Generous Dram

New Marijuana Trajectories

Powdery Bacon?!


Two Hundred and Fifty Pieces of Mona Lisa in Ten Reticulations

Weak V

30 January : 04 February

No. 8,119 (cartoon)

Iraq Peach Keeping Force

Scotch in a Can!

Rodent Weather

Thinking About Thinking of Honking

Buffaloed Again

Weak VI

05 February : 11 February

No. 5,466 (cartoon)

Hallucinogenic Jelly Beans

News: Bird Stabs Man

Japanese Customs

Japanese Toilets Revisited

Arriving in Taiji

One Less Pharaoh

Weak VII

12 February : 19 February

No. 8,810 (cartoon)

The Price of Cheap Sushi

The Swastikas on the Hills

Fresh! Dericious!

Kitty-Cat City

Cedric and the Fairlady

Saving Whales at the Whale Museum

On Finding a Great Tempura Restaurant


20 February : 25 February

No. 2,162 (cartoon)

Taiji Culture

Twenty-Five Kii-Katsuura Corrugated Metal Walls

Albert Einstein’s Last Words

111,111,111 Squared

Colin’s Perfidious Language Lesson

Weak IX

26 February : 04 March

No. 4,613 (cartoon)

Hollywood Uniform

Jerry’s Refuge

A Most Verbose and Grandiose Title

The Fast Track to Tolerable Mediocrity

The Braille Superstore


Weak X

05 March : 12 March

No. 7,849 (cartoon)

Heart Attack Grill

Not Dreaming Pragmatically

Kill Phollins

The Right Nautical Tools

No Bad Weather

Tsunami Alert

Not as Bad as Many People Think

Weak XI

13 March : 18 March

No. 4,913 (cartoon)

Yummy Castoreum!

Russian Beer Isn’t Food

Nuclear Damage Control

St. Patrick’s Day

Italy at One Hundred and Fifty

Weak XII

19 March : 25 March

No. 8,165 (cartoon)

Conceptual Extreme Supermoon

Andy’s Immigration Stratagem

¡Viva Snotty!

Elizabeth Taylor’s Remarkable Obituary

Macaulay versus Brown?

A Postcard from Vietnam


26 March : 02 April

No. 5,440 (cartoon)

Suffering and Enjoying Mental Illness

Needless Lies

Never Trust a Thief

Murderous Meat

Amanda’s Golden Leash

A Holiday Ruined

Stupid Photographers With Nothing to Say

Weak XIV

03 April : 08 April

No. 6,078 (cartoon)

The Coincidence Engine

The Truth Crutch

Everyone Hates an Editor

A Thing or Two About Nothing

A Penny as Old as My Father

Weak XV

09 April : 15 April

No. 5,406 (cartoon)

Oktoberfest Pass

Green Automatic Weapons

“Bikes Have Wheels”

Toxic Waste Nuclear Sludge Chew Bars

True Voice(s)

Bill Lipscomb, Major Accomplishment(s), Birthday, Deathday

Weak XVI

16 April : 23 April

No. 6,079 (cartoon)

Ignoring Aaron Siskind

The Four-Million Pound Fish That Wasn’t

Cherry-flavored Bad Idea

Paradigmatic versus Syntagmatic

Unfit for a Fact-based World

The French Way

A Century of Add


24 April : 29 April

No. 911 (cartoon)

Sheep Blood Bath

Not Enough Watts?

Abandoning the Search for

Extraterrestrial Life

Leprous Armadillos

The Davidian Calendar


30 April : 06 May

No. 633 (cartoon)

Poor Cow Breeding Stock

Faking a Bluff

The Japanese Aren’t All That Different

The Trinidad Scorpion Butch T and the Snow Leopard

Gabachos with Oversized Sombreros

Sweaty Cheese

Weak XIX

07 May : 14 May

No. 2,633 (cartoon)


Roscoe’s Generosity

This Ain’t About the Art Anymore

Vinnie’s Disintegrating Coffee Cups

Television Penetration

Live in Burkina Faso!

Master of Renishaw Hall, Derbyshire, and Lord of the Manor of Eckington

Weak XX

15 May : 20 May

No. 8,603 (cartoon)

Great Coffee News

Exploding Watermelons!

Trader Joe’s Blended Scotch Whisky

Everyone Needs an Editor

Bernie’s Irrelevant Music Collection

Weak XXI

21 May : 27 May

No. 4,738 (cartoon)

Probable and Improbable Predictions

Fill as Desired

On Getting Old

A Modest Photographic Epiphany

Milton’s Gone

Not Warhol


28 May : 04 June

No. 7,566 (cartoon)

(no reply needed)

Fritos Kahlo

The Library of Babel II

Nothing Again

Panda Monium

B&H’s Curious Catalog

Minty-Fresh Excreta


05 June : 10 June

No. 4,438 (cartoon)

Santorum Defined

Effing and Jeffing

The Intervalometer Problem

Toasty Molly-Puss

Petabyte Apple Server (Prototype)


11 June : 17 June

No. 2,412 (cartoon)


A Voice Meant for Newsprint

Government Zombie Alert

Jean Cocteau’s Amazing Day

Stool Steak

Recipe for Failure

Weak XXV

18 June : 25 June

No. 2,477 (cartoon)

Clowns Kill

Kitty Dirt Bath

Innovations in Health Care

The Oldest Person in the World

Not Urgent, Not Important

Stinky Peeper

Where Fun Comes to Die


26 June : 01 July

No. 1,165 (cartoon)

Singularity University

Dead Skin Health Dust

A Loving, Multipronged Attack!

I’m a Pro

Drama Elsewhere


02 July : 08 July

No. 6,329 (cartoon)

Liberty and Death

Gleanings in Conceptual Art Quarterly is Funct

A Different Kind of Animal

Back in Flint

An Historic Reënactment

No New Pants


09 July : 16 July

No. 4,889 (cartoon)

My Twenty-Pound Curse, Lifted

Jersey, Innit?

Mad Dogs and Sheep

One or Two Good Things about England

Practical Pub Toilet Advice

Avoiding a Groping

Cy Twombly’s Great Obituary


17 July : 22 July

No. 1,276 (cartoon)

My Two Cents

A Small Victory for Pastafarians Everywhere

A Day Without Pants

Why Men Exist

Murdered by Murdoch?

Weak XXX

23 July : 29 July

No. 9,976 (cartoon)

Club Twenty-Seven Update

Urinal Marketing Strategies

Enjoy Who Enjoys You

Film Selection Strategies

Beaver Update

A Computer as Simple as a Telephone


30 July : 06 August

No. 8,493 (cartoon)

Twenty-Three B Dock Gaps

Photographs Are Not Paintings

The Opposite of Schadenfreude

Schrödinger’s Cats

New Clichés

Absofuckinglutely Never

Monkey Rights


07 August : 12 August

No. 9,510 (cartoon)

The Longest Game in the World

’Pear Review

Totally Chicken Photos

Observed at Mabel’s

The Wrong Kind of Water


13 August : 19 August

No. 3,706 (cartoon)

Annalee’s Wrong Answers

The Greatest Generation of Car Thieves

Nine-Eleven Times One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-Four

The Trouble With Talking Vaginas

Gutenberg’s Second Book

Nineteen Protected Petabox Photographs


20 August : 27 August

No. 7,034 (cartoon)

What’s Time to a Cat?

Indeterminate Nocturnal Emission

The First Bay Tunnel

Say It with Dead Flowers

Girly Beer?

Smells Like Art

Suburban War


28 August : 02 September

No. 653 (cartoon)

Looking Over Things Previous Overlooked

The California Department of Transportation Defines Incompetence

Craps in a Bock

Slightly Imbecilic Work

Urinal Selection Probabilities


03 September : 09 September

No. 3,041 (cartoon)

It Isn’t What It Isn’t

Sex with Extinct Relatives

Claudia’s Kitty Sketch

Underwear Lobsters Gone Wrong

Stan Brakhage’s Great Advice

Depraved Object


10 September : 17 September

No. 1,118 (cartoon)

Splatting Revisited

Gutenberg’s Other Second Book

Learning to Speak Russian from Seventy-Eight Raccoons

Texan Humanitarian Ammo

Very Friendly Italian Gatherings

A Predictable Fortune

Sugar Dummy


18 September : 23 September

No. 2,699 (cartoon)

Trillions of Footy Bacteria

The Husk versus the Kernel

Smells like Academia

Laughing Sooner and Later

Silence Going Backward


24 September : 30 September

No. 1,569 (cartoon)


King Didn’t Say It

Elbow Licking

Another New Camera

The Freewheelin’ Plagiarist

Franz Michael Kraler

Weak XL

01 October : 08 October

No. 6,498 (cartoon)

An Unusual October

Posthumous Prize

Colourful Delusions of Adequacy

We’re All Going to Die Really Soon

A Spatula in the Road

Texas Tofu


Weak XLI

09 October : 14 October

No. 1,808 (cartoon)

Nuclear Free Berkeley?

The Museum Size Thing

Toothpaste Shirt

Gratuitous Photo of the Weak: Bella

The Colossally Ginormous Brobdingnagian Very Very Very Large Array


15 October : 21 October

No. 8,238 (cartoon)

The Case Against Water

Thirty-Six Prime Shakespeare Sonnets in Four Movements

Don’t Fear the Pepper

Gratuitous Photo of the Weak: Archival Sign

Sexual Critique

The End of the World


22 October : 29 October

No. 4,371 (cartoon)

Subtracting Vivian

Accursed Computer

Sooner or Later True

Gratuitous Photo of the Weak: Illuminated Skeleton

Passing Acquaintance of the Earth

Hospitality and Whisky

Bat Mitzvah Lessons


30 October : 04 November

No. 934 (cartoon)

Looking at the Versos of Photographs: Eleven Pictures From the Collection of the Museum of Modern Art

Manhattan Marijuana

The Fastest Driver in New York

Gratuitous Photo of the Weak: Duckmandu’s Business Card

Corpse Hotels

Weak XLV

05 November : 11 November

No. 3,021 (cartoon)

Sophia Unmolded

Kill the Baby!

The Curatorial Police

Snorting Caffeine

Gratuitous Photo of the Weak: Grocery Bag

Eleven Eleven Eleven


12 November : 19 November

No. 8,001 (cartoon)

Don’t Fear the Typo

Putupap or Pampoen Koekies Perquisites

States of Jersey: Twenty-Three Jersey · New Jersey Diptychs

Gratuitous Photo of the Weak: Jersey Shore

Pizza, the Newest Vegetable

Idiot Bar

Meeting the Father of Teledildonics


20 November : 25 November

No. 3,158 (cartoon)

Bloody Amateurs

Kittens Come to Mind

Gratuitous Photo of the Weak: Banana

Crematorium Cuisine

Artistic and Mating Success


26 November : 02 December

No. 410 (cartoon)

A Safe Prediction

A Predictable Retirement

Cold “Beer” Explained

Gratuitous Photo of the Weak: Electric Burner

Stupid, Selfish, and Healthy

Preëminent Meteorologists Agree


03 December : 10 December

No. 2,464 (cartoon)

The Niceville Christmas Spirit

Homeless in Hungary

Louie’s Golden Rice Bowl

Hair Shoes

Panorama of Fetors

Gee Eye Zed

Gratuitous Photo of the Weak: Bonnie’s Party

Weak L

11 December : 16 December

No. 4,372 (cartoon)

Physicists Announce Major Breakthrough

Gratuitous Photo of the Weak: Al Weber’s Darkroom

The Mating Success of Unattractive Men

Alcohol-free, Whisky-flavored Drink in a Can

Englsnd’s Golden Age

Weak LI

17 December : 23 December

No. 9,556 (cartoon)

One Hundred Nonexistent Artists


Clothes Without Holes

Twenty Years Later

Gratuitous Photo of the Weak: Sausage Grease Shadow

Gestation Pains

Weak LII

24 December : 31 December

No. 7,424 (cartoon)

Another Christmas Disaster

Same Zoo, Different Ringmaster

Not Sinking in Lava

Gratuitous Photo of the Weak: Low Tide

Let’s Eat Grandma

Editor or Photographer?

Rolls of Honour

Previous notebooks

1996: 1996 Exactly Almost

1997: Fifty-Three Weeks a Year

1998: It Happens Every Day, Periodically

1999: Notes, Art, Portraits, and Filler

2000: Last Millennium or Next?

2001: 2001 Weakly, More or Less

2002: The Same, More Better

2003: What Is This, Some Kind of Joke?

2004: Some Days Are Better Than Others

2005: Is This The End?

2006: Enough Is Never Enough

2007: Nothing Is Certain

2008: Repetitiously Redundant

2009: Love is in the Air

2010: This Isn’t Right

2011: I’ve Grown a Lot

2012: I’d Sell It if I Had It

2013: I Know What I Know

2014: Do You Know What I’m Thinking?

2015: I Call it Focus

2016: I’m Not Sure

2017: Smooth Sailing!

2018: What’s Not to Believe?

2019: You Can’t Understand

2020: That’s Sick

2021: Don’t Mention It

2022: I’m Not Done

2023: Thanks For Your Support

2024: Am I Not Awake?


©2011 David Glenn Rinehart
