free (and worth it) subscription

An Artist’s Notebook of Sorts

Weak I

01 January : 08 January

No. 2,343 (cartoon)

Where’s the Hindsight?

Divine Scam

My Improbably Charmed Life

John Baldessari

When in Oakland

Uncomfortable Birthday Considerations

Beyond Reasonable Doubt

Weak II

09 January : 14 January

No. 574 (cartoon)

Remembering Bruce and Nigel

Smells like Gwyneth Paltrow’s Vagina


Taking Care of My Mentals

Understanding Silence

Weak III

15 January : 21 January

No. 5,395 (cartoon)

Right Time, Wrong Airport

Poor Judgment, Bad Decisions

Channeling Joseph Beuys

Remembering Barry Tuckwell

Immortal Pepperoni

Thinking Outside of the Glass

Weak IV

22 January : 29 January

No. 745 (cartoon)

Frost Chasers

Persuading Idiots

Burns Night on New Year’s Day

A Short, Dry Year

Kobe Bryant

Improbable Snow Field

The War on Weevils

Weak V

30 January : 04 February

No. 3,433 (cartoon)

Filmmaking Technical Considerations

Fur-lined Toilet Bowl

Yawn (02022020)

Brunch Financial Data

More Boring Art

Weak VI

05 February : 11 February

No. 4,302 (cartoon)

The Truth Set Andy Free

Employees Must Wash Hands

Italian Anchovies on Corn Tortillas (Diptych)

Finding Your Vision and My Monitor

I’m Not Done Yet

Balaclava Considerations

Weak VII

12 February : 19 February

No. 457 (cartoon)

Maybe Sorry, Dogg-Style

The Joy of VD

Earth Sandwich

Failing the Dizzy Dean Test

Contemporary Musical Promotion Strategies

Gwyneth Paltrow Revisited

Encantado Fence (Sextych)


20 February : 25 February

No. 4,655 (cartoon)

Love Flows Like ...

Sound Regression

Alcohol, Scientifically Speaking

Fractional Differences


Weak IX

26 February : 04 March

No. 3,648 (cartoon)

Man Ray and Sashimi Knives

Santa Fe de Sans Frisco

32 March vs. 29 February

The Dance Electric

The Lighter Side of the Pandemic

Pasta, Pesto, and Peas Becoming One

Three Old White Guys Walk into an Election ...

Weak X

05 March : 12 March

No. 2,881 (cartoon)

Meanwhile, Back on Earth ...

Expert Opinions

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

Nowruz, Insects, and Cancer

Devolution Revisited

Belly Buffet

Working from Home

Weak XI

13 March : 18 March

No. 853 (cartoon)

The End of Italian Civilization

Postponed Before Even Being Poned

Lifetime Achievement Awards

Send in the Taco Trucks!

Unconventional Progress

Weak XII

19 March : 25 March

No. 6,775 (cartoon)

Instant Coffee and Poetry Death Wish

Pathetic Filler

Dr. Wiles Is Really Old

Death and Taxes

Contemplative Chess Strategies

Shell Eggs?!


26 March : 02 April

No. 5,325 (cartoon)

Public Service Announcement

Black Hole Swallows Logic

Pacifying Alleged Artists

Downhill All the Way

No Mask? No Problem!


Cargo Pants to the Rescue!

Weak XIV

03 April : 08 April

No. 1,086 (cartoon)

Shootout at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Anniversary

The Global Hazelnut Crisis

Tilapia on the Range

I Know About Bill Withers

My Father’s Hundredth Birthday

Weak XV

09 April : 15 April

No. 3,964 (cartoon)

Everything Was Forever ...

Bodices Away!

Six More Weeks

It’s a Wrap!

Creepiness in the Age of Coronarama

Baby Gratuitously

Weak XVI

16 April : 23 April

No. 6,091 (cartoon)

Know Your Thermometers

Prankster Hall of Fame

Gratuitous Curry

Socialite and Antisocialite

Something from Nothing

Great Recommendation!

He’s Not That Smart!


24 April : 29 April

No. 3,598 (cartoon)

Graduating Wine School

Odd Egg

Alternatives to Unnatural Acts

A Little Dose of Reality

Very Clear, No Clouds


30 April : 06 May

No. 8,280 (cartoon)


Play Sand

I’m Not Szilveszter Matuska

Cauliflower Crumbles

No Idea Revisited

Gratuitous and Pretentious

Weak XIX

07 May : 14 May

No. 5,285 (cartoon)

As You Might Expect

The Photographic Numbers Game

Happy Birth Control Day!


Bonsai Coronarama Caribou

My Tilapia Pond, Revisited

Sid’s Little Problem

Weak XX

15 May : 20 May

No. 5,170 (cartoon)


Coronarama Baseball

Go Team!

Not a Chance

Thirty Used April 2020 Coffee Filters

Weak XXI

21 May : 27 May

No. 6,354 (cartoon)

Shilly versus Dilly

After the Bow

Nothing to See Here

Hair Chicken

Dad and Roger Harry Daltrey Revisited

Intentionally Blank (Potato)


28 May : 04 June

No. 502 (cartoon)

Speed Bumps on Love Street

Useless Micromorts


1962 Okay

Blackout Tuesday

Good DGR/Bad DGR

Prime Options


05 June : 10 June

No. 8,889 (cartoon)

Mazel Tov Cocktails

Irreplaceable Earworm


Anonymous Condolences

Consarned Idjits


11 June : 17 June

No. 3,762 (cartoon)

New Equipment?

Set for Life

Real (Estate) Theatre

Jean Cocteau’s Amazing Day

Sticks and Stones and Gravity

Rodney’s Myriad Concerns

Weak XXV

18 June : 25 June

No. 6,900 (cartoon)

Positive Thinking

Small Family Farms

Just About a Jerk


Milky Way Photographer of the Year

Rhode Island Redux

(One Minute of) Work


26 June : 01 July

No. 5,751 (cartoon)

Tour de Farce

The Less than Immaculate Restoration

Milton Glaser, Exterminator of Words

Deunking the Centipede

Briefly Fashionable


02 July : 08 July

No. 528 (cartoon)

Darker Days

GI Joe, Horn Specialist

(Not) Riding a Boneless Horse

Chuffed Irregardless

Nature Arrives Again

The Good Old Days


09 July : 16 July

No. 1,531 (cartoon)

I Stink, Therefore I Am

Up Against the Cosmic Wall

Discovering Holes

Son of a Bitch!

Frankenfurter Science

Gary Larson’s New Work



17 July : 22 July

No. 1,010 (cartoon)


Rio Grande Gorge Bridge Overlook, Taos, New Mexico

Polar Bear Research

Predictions and Horoscopes

The Thief of Joy

Weak XXX

23 July : 29 July

No. 6,332 (cartoon)

Coronarama Blues

Dead Horse Blues

Almost Forty Seconds Too Long

Sperm in the News

Safe and Unsafe Music

Semen in the News


30 July : 06 August

No. 8,152 (cartoon)

Shadow It Furtively

Said By Me

Georgia O’Keeffe, Artist or Artisan?

The Decisive Moment Remastered

Spravato’s Not Funny

It Is What It Is: An Inane Tautology

A Brief Visit with Lily


07 August : 12 August

No. 2,746 (cartoon)

Mas Nacho

Decomposing Banana

Roaming Cat Carcass, Thirty-year-old Corpse

The Elusive Perfect Sentence

The Best


13 August : 19 August

No. 4,559 (cartoon)

Crappy Art

My Monochrome Dinner with Alina

The Rest of My Life This Afternoon

Suicide Hotlines to Nowhere

Professional Courtesy

The Future Happens in California First


20 August : 27 August

No. 5,753 (cartoon)

10,001,100,101,000 and Counting

Cheat to Win, Mate!

Close to Surpassing Van Gogh

Rarer than a Javan Rhinoceros

The Lickspittle’s Comeuppance

Qubit Incoherence



28 August : 02 September

No. 4,615 (cartoon)

Cooking as Conceptual Art

Two or Three Seconds to Live

I’m Not Inflammable

Priapic Energy

The Fujinon XF 50mm f/1.0 WR


03 September : 09 September

No. 5,769 (cartoon)

Music from the Exoworld

Drinh Me

If You’re Bored ...

The One-legged Junky and the Maggot Honey

The Best Camera

Farmer Owned Pasteurized Prepared Cheese Product


10 September : 17 September

No. 914 (cartoon)

A Failure of the Imagination

Descent English

Hearing Music and Seeing Cameras

Evasive Desert Maneuvers

Great Sex Alone

Midlife Crisis? Perhaps Not

The 2020 Ig Nobel Prizes


18 September : 23 September

No. 9,362 (cartoon)

The Quarantini

The Cycle Tracking Blues

Planning Ahead

Not Completely Stupid

Not a Bad Idea


24 September : 30 September

No. 3,541 (cartoon)

The Practical Person’s Equinox

How Humans Become Texans

High Desert Sunset Spirit

One Last Thing


The Insufferable Debate

Weak XL

01 October : 08 October

No. 4,248 (cartoon)

National Schadenfreude Day

No Loss of Smell

National Poetry Day

Edward Hopper’s No Athena

Shelf Queens

Carrots on Mars

A Meal I Enjoyed

Weak XLI

09 October : 14 October

No. 2,354 (cartoon)

Habañero: There’s No Such Thing

Safety First!

The King of Chicken Gizzards




15 October : 21 October

No. 9,698 (cartoon)

Cat Scanning Text

A Cat is Not a Vegetable

The Felinosecond

New Frontiers in Drooling

Passing the Bar, Not the Liquor Store

Paul McCartney III


22 October : 29 October

No. 5,644 (cartoon)

Aesthetic Values

My Coronorama Bed

Just Another Day in Texas

Das Keyboard

Snow Refuge

A Criminal Lack of Synergy

Halloween Sans Yakuza


30 October : 04 November

No. 728 (cartoon)

Losing Face


A Damn Good Chameleon

Safe Voting

Knock Knock, Who’s Dead?

Weak XLV

05 November : 11 November

No. 8,575 (cartoon)

Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan

Losers’ Flag Revisited

Quitting Kills

Public Health Advice

Three Spiked Shurfine Mayonnaise Deposits

Not Over, Out


12 November : 19 November

No. 8,643 (cartoon)

Playing the Violin Again

Creative Life Drawing

Frolicking Platypuses All Aglow

My Vexing Gift

The Ask-a-Scot Hotline Ain’t

Hektor’s Morbid Happy Ending

Thank You, Eggplant Anti-Defamation Council


20 November : 25 November

No. 1,348 (cartoon)

Saving Money the Coronarama Way

Being a Better Conversationalist

Schadenfreude City’s Village Idiot

Three Painted Desert Diptychs

A Traditional Thanksgiving With Viruses


26 November : 02 December

No. 878 (cartoon)

Pots and Pans and the Universe

No More Fucking in Austria

Trailer Trash

Factasy is Brilliastupid

Jerk Talk

That Warm Winter Feeling


03 December : 10 December

No. 2,993 (cartoon)

Timeless Winter Love

The Numeral One, But Why?

Spider and Shot Glass

A Better Blue Period

Forty Years Without Lennonism

No Bad Sex: Blame It on the Virus

Redundant New Words

Weak L

11 December : 16 December

No. 7,343 (cartoon)

Kissin’ an’ Such

Anyway You Slice It

Going Apace

The Disappeared

Remembering Ludwig’s Gal in Kalamazoo

Weak LI

17 December : 23 December

No. 6,692 (cartoon)

Birthday Math

My Lion’s Share

Art and Sashimi

Radiant Solstice Wombats

It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

Two Dozen or Twenty-Five Cactus Segments Connected Somewhat Randomly

Weak LII

24 December : 31 December

No. 5,985 (cartoon)

Haddy Grimmble!

New Year’s Eve Party!

Into the Abyss

No More Camera Shop


Running Over Five Kilometers

Nothing to See Here

Previous notebooks

1996: 1996 Exactly Almost

1997: Fifty-Three Weeks a Year

1998: It Happens Every Day, Periodically

1999: Notes, Art, Portraits, and Filler

2000: Last Millennium or Next?

2001: 2001 Weakly, More or Less

2002: The Same, More Better

2003: What Is This, Some Kind of Joke?

2004: Some Days Are Better Than Others

2005: Is This The End?

2006: Enough Is Never Enough

2007: Nothing Is Certain

2008: Repetitiously Redundant

2009: Love is in the Air

2010: This Isn’t Right

2011: I’ve Grown a Lot

2012: I’d Sell It if I Had It

2013: I Know What I Know

2014: Do You Know What I’m Thinking?

2015: I Call it Focus

2016: I’m Not Sure

2017: Smooth Sailing!

2018: What’s Not to Believe?

2019: You Can’t Understand

2020: That’s Sick

2021: Don’t Mention It

2022: I’m Not Done

2023: Thanks For Your Support

2024: Am I Not Awake?


©2020 David Glenn Rinehart
