free (and worth it) subscription

An Artist’s Notebook of Sorts

Weak I

01 January : 08 January

No. 5,999 (cartoon)

An Inauspicious Beginning to a New Year

Plateau-Rayleigh Instability

Terminal Hypochondria

Getting Used to Math

Two Hundred Bad Poems and Then Some

Birthday Relativity

Brandy for Dessert

Weak II

09 January : 14 January

No. 5,072 (cartoon)

Henry James, Lettuce, and Shampoo

Good Times Long Ago

That’s Why It’s Called News

My Lunulas

Organ Donor

Weak III

15 January : 21 January

No. 6,829 (cartoon)

Is Dreaming of Being Awake Sleeping?

The Digestive Rainbow

Yummy Nums!

Water Conservation Strategies

Dumber Than Dirt

The Poor Have Too Much Money

Weak IV

22 January : 29 January

No. 1,503 (cartoon)

Essential Feline Biology

Their Satanic Majesties’ Digital Request

Photographic Hoarders

Wicked Wok Raided!

A Foetus Named Nicole


Russian Literary Debating Strategies

Weak V

30 January : 04 February

No. 1,582 (cartoon)

We Can All Get Along

Humankind’s Best Friend and Worst Meal

Super Bowl, Not Super Eggplant

Rubber Band Dissimilarities

That’s Why They’re Friends

Weak VI

05 February : 11 February

No. 995 (cartoon)

Park Tool GSC-1 Gear Cleaning Brush

San Francisco Beer Century

Extremely Mediocre

Cat Bite Infections of the Hand

A Legendary Iraqi Teacher

A Dumb Joke

Weak VII

12 February : 19 February

No. 2,609 (cartoon)

Stupid Hat


Discovery and Fabrication

Oblivion Pills

No Lesbians?!

Forty-Nine No. Sixteen Rubber Bands

What Drought?


20 February : 25 February

No. 6,489 (cartoon)

Nothing But Grief

A Snort from the Cookie Jar

Bad Review

This Thing That Generates Anecdotes

Ambiguity Is My Friend

Weak IX

26 February : 04 March

No. 1,804 (cartoon)

Building Sales and Profits

Goat-Arousal Experts

The Only Thing We Learn from History

Noxious Flatuses, Not Flati

Pluck It!

Archival Wall

Weak X

05 March : 12 March

No. 2,131 (cartoon)

Driving It Off

The Logical Destiny of Bores

I Love Ewe Too

Ox Vertebrae, Tuna Fish Cans, and Cheap Wine

Thanks Again, Tom!

Fourteen Cheap and Dirty Camera Lenses

The World Wide Web at Twenty-Five

Weak XI

13 March : 18 March

No. 3,679 (cartoon)

A Literal Metaphor

There’s Nothing Funny About Chappaquiddick Jokes

Sarah’s Grandmother’s Last Words

Water’s Just Not Worth the Risk

Frozen Salmon

Weak XII

19 March : 25 March

No. 7,251 (cartoon)

Blake and Me

An Intoxicating Clarity of Vision

Clarissa Dickson Wright

Human Warmth

Condoms in Space

Lorem Ipsum


26 March : 02 April

No. 9,812 (cartoon)

Indonesian Spam

Outwitting Clay

Everything You Know Is Still Wrong

Irrelevant Dietary Concerns

Rain Gear Considerations

Six Six Six Six

The Constant Risk of Death

Weak XIV

03 April : 08 April

No. 4,973 (cartoon)

An Unsurprising Outcome

Clean Bedding, Lucky Day!

Scheduling Priorities

Postnatal Abortion Considerations

Ungraphic Sex

LZ 129 Correction

Weak XV

09 April : 15 April

No. 4,973 (cartoon)

An Unsurprising Outcome

Clean Bedding, Lucky Day!

Scheduling Priorities

Postnatal Abortion Considerations

Ungraphic Sex

LZ 129 Correction

Weak XVI

16 April : 23 April

No. 3,267 (cartoon)

Banned in China

Unsung for a Reason

The Opposite of Everything

Barely Hap

Engineers and Designers

Ansel Adams is Still Dead

Palcohol to the Rescue!


24 April : 29 April

No. 6,270 (cartoon)

Fingers and Teeth

Looking a Corpse in the Eye

How to Make Bad Art

Isolation Chamber

The Los Angeles Times of Wrath


30 April : 06 May

No. 8,118 (cartoon)

No Cause for Concern

I Must Be in Texas

Blowing Smoke in Texas

Swamp Stompin’

A Poor Excuse for a Texan

Fresh Air in Texas

Weak XIX

07 May : 14 May

No. 2,073 (cartoon)

Drumming with Oatmeal and Bacon

How Embarrassing

Fourteen Lenses Too Many?

Constipated Administraitors

How to Spot Crooks and Racists

Dog Attacks Toddler, Cat Kills Cur

I Think I’ll Take a Nap

Weak XX

15 May : 20 May

No. 7,756 (cartoon)

Bulletproof [sic] Vest

Bacon Alarm Hat

Forty-Three Degrees to Midnight

Tomorrow Is Never

It’s Funny and Interesting

Weak XXI

21 May : 27 May

No. 910 (cartoon)

The Perfect Holiday

The Rabbit Joke

Freezer Fresh Pants

The Fog of Documentary Filmmaking

The Ted Nelson Chair

Stop Graffiti!


28 May : 04 June

No. 8,854 (cartoon)

Catsitter in Training

Being and Nothingness

The Fat Kid’s Legacy

The Rewards of Work

The Kentucky Waterfall and the Maserati

Another Ice Tomb

Crazy Cat Guy


05 June : 10 June

No. 679 (cartoon)

Remembering D-Day

Flee Like Your Live Here

Timeless Boredom

Bad Art Kills

A Sad Radio Day


11 June : 17 June

No. 262 (cartoon)

Face Like a Beetroot

Arne Saknussemm Was Right

Good? It’s Perfect!

Jean Cocteau’s Amazing Day

No Ill Cycling Winds

Sixteen Defined Conservatory Drive Cavities

Weak XXV

18 June : 25 June

No. 5,373 (cartoon)

Dull Computers and Stupidity

Charles Barsotti

Solstice Prediction

The World’s Ugliest Dog Ever

I Could Have Been a Quadrillionaire

Postcard Cliché

Strawberries, Chilies, and Cockroaches


26 June : 01 July

No. 1,937 (cartoon)

The Song Remains the Same

A Creepy Sleeping Bag Find

Where Coffee Comes From

Fake Diplomas

After Edgerton


02 July : 08 July

No. 5,808 (cartoon)

The Tragedy of the Commons’ Blackberries

Independence [sic] Day

It’s All Relative

Chicken Feces Theory Du Jour

This Saturday or Next?

Redundant Humans


09 July : 16 July

No. 9,226 (cartoon)

True Texan Patriot’s Critique

Gabba Gabba Goodbye

For As Little As a Hamurger

Not Painting Nature

Failing to Resist Temptation

Hearing Is Disbelieving

Prediction and Attribution Difficulties


17 July : 22 July

No. 6,448 (cartoon)

Drunks With Missiles

Dinner With Honey West

There Be Aliens!


Thirteen Cans of Tuna Captured by Gravity After Being Flung from a Great Height

Weak XXX

23 July : 29 July

No. 117 (cartoon)

Stuck Deep in the Bowels

God’s Bollocks!

You Certainly Got a Good One!

Taking Good Pictures

Lily Pond (Painting)

A Maoist Correction


30 July : 06 August

No. 909 (cartoon)

Two-Meter Sex Toy

Disturbing Nonagenarians

Subway Diplomacy

Close Enough to Immortality

French Horn Silencer

Foetus Didn’t Age Well

In Defense of Surface to Air Missiles


07 August : 12 August

No. 680 (cartoon)

Her Mother’s Legs

In Defense of Lorie Ann Hill

A Failure to Write Badly

Exploding Corpses

Comparing Apples and Oranges


13 August : 19 August

No. 8,408 (cartoon)

Robin Williams

Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

Missouri Dog Lover

Forty-Nine India Ink Drops (and Myriad Incidental Splatters) in Seven Arrays of Seven Drops

Imagining Not Imagining

Not a Great Artist


20 August : 27 August

No. 7,518 (cartoon)

Metaphorical Worms

Drunk with Affluenza

Chinese English Majors Triumphant!

(Not) The Big One

An Unwearable Shirt

Creative Sloth

Back on Earth!


28 August : 02 September

No. 7,239 (cartoon)

A Real Keystone Cop

Pouring Man

A Dubiously Unusual Month

Let’s Stockpile Toilet Paper!

It’s Smack Talk Season


03 September : 09 September

No. 217 (cartoon)

The World’s Least Competent Person

Stewart’s Not the Alligator

Jus’ Onions!

A Modest Proposal

The Song Remains the Same



10 September : 17 September

No. 5,657 (cartoon)

Another Technological Disappointment

Still Teeming With Life


One Less Camera

A Culinary Abomination

The Editor In Me

Thirteen Allston Way Stripes


18 September : 23 September

No. 4,891 (cartoon)


(Not) Growing Up

The Whaling Gravy Train Has Sailed

The Rite of Autumn

A Grave Alternate Reality


24 September : 30 September

No. 2,487 (cartoon)

Cold Water Heater

Bergeron’s Dubious Discount

Obnoxious Head Cameras

Twelve Rainier Ale Cans Approaching Infrathin

Older Than the Sun

Artist in Residence of the Month

Weak XL

01 October : 08 October

No. 757 (cartoon)

Gang of Four Clubbing

One Year After Lisa Louise Bufano

National Poetry Day

An Ambiguous Scrap of Evidence

The Pinnacle of Animation

God’s Penis

Seventeen Abandoned Green Tea Bags

Weak XLI

09 October : 14 October

No. 6,889 (cartoon)

Spreadable Beer

No Debate

The Secret of Masochistic Fulfillment

Pop’s Curious Parenting Advice

Ferenc Berko


15 October : 21 October

No. 8,192 (cartoon)

The Best Nap Ever

MOM on Mars

Thia’s a Wazzock!

Ambiguous Amputations

The Scots Invented Sex!

Thanks, Harvey!


22 October : 29 October

No. 9,797 (cartoon)

The Subject Matter Does All the Work

Skin for Brains!

Unflattering Ebola Photograph

A Legend in My Own Mind

Niklas’s Best Month Ever

Lily’s Pleasant Stupefaction

“San Francisco” “Giants” Win “World Series”


30 October : 04 November

No. 839 (cartoon)

Halloween Sans Poodle Leg

The World Will End in Humidity

Moonlight Savings Time!

Why Didn’t Anyone Tell Me About Nirvana?

Twelve Coupled Archival Chairs

Weak XLV

05 November : 11 November

No. 8,626 (cartoon)

My Kind

Art Is Anal Cheese

Mediocre Prussian Poets

Thoughtless Thinking

But How Does It Taste?

Snowing Like Hotcakes


12 November : 19 November

No. 4,445 (cartoon)

Brewster Kahle, 13 November 2014, 18:05

Babalou’s Most Grievous Offense

Sans Frisko Bay Guardian

Whisky and Beer

Beauty Sleep, Ugly Sleep

Twenty-Five Carless Years

World Toilet Day


20 November : 25 November

No. 8,629 (cartoon)

Smart People Don’t Work That Way

Adolph Hitler, Art School Reject

Adriana’s No Ignoranus

Lewis Baltz

Cheating With Four Wheels


26 November : 02 December

No. 6,336 (cartoon)


Two Out of Seven Ain’t Bad

Get Me Off Your Fucking Mailing List

World of the Living Dead

Make Believe versus Make Belief

Unranked Amateurs


03 December : 10 December

No. 3,957 (cartoon)

Yet Another Problem

No Marital Advice

The Ethics of Silence


Not Achieving Great Things

Duncan at Fifty

What a Maroon!

Weak L

11 December : 16 December

No. 7,187 (cartoon)

Spider Breath


My Life With the Northern White Rhinoceroses

An Eye on the Tongue

Buzzbomb Electroshock 801

Weak LI

17 December : 23 December

No. 4,322 (cartoon)

Artist Destroyer

Miranda’s Unknown Past

Relatively Civilized

University Failure

Thanks Rebecca!

Benign, Mostly

Weak LII

24 December : 31 December

No. 6,258 (cartoon)

The One Good Thing About This Wretched Holiday

Soulmates, Joined at the Liver

Leica Bag

Want to Hear Something Stupid?

I Should Have Known Better

666 Box

My Marriage With Shelly

Previous notebooks

1996: 1996 Exactly Almost

1997: Fifty-Three Weeks a Year

1998: It Happens Every Day, Periodically

1999: Notes, Art, Portraits, and Filler

2000: Last Millennium or Next?

2001: 2001 Weakly, More or Less

2002: The Same, More Better

2003: What Is This, Some Kind of Joke?

2004: Some Days Are Better Than Others

2005: Is This The End?

2006: Enough Is Never Enough

2007: Nothing Is Certain

2008: Repetitiously Redundant

2009: Love is in the Air

2010: This Isn’t Right

2011: I’ve Grown a Lot

2012: I’d Sell It if I Had It

2013: I Know What I Know

2014: Do You Know What I’m Thinking?

2015: I Call it Focus

2016: I’m Not Sure

2017: Smooth Sailing!

2018: What’s Not to Believe?

2019: You Can’t Understand

2020: That’s Sick

2021: Don’t Mention It

2022: I’m Not Done

2023: Thanks For Your Support

2024: Am I Not Awake?


©2014 David Glenn Rinehart
